Professional Indemnity Insurance for Other Professionals
I am sorry if you feel lumped into the “All Other Professions” category, however, if you do fall into this category it’s normally not because you are not special enough to fit into a “speciality” but because there is probably no body that sets down a minimum requirement for you to buy insurance cover.
Most of the businesses in the “All Other Professions” category are referred to by insurers as miscellaneous classes.
Miscellaneous business is just that – business that doesn’t fall into one of the standard ‘traditional’ professions. A miscellaneous risk is one that requires some thought by the underwriter. Some are very low risk and some much higher. There is a proliferation of new professions and some of these will become standard categories in due course.
Some years ago risks in the Information Technology or Media industries might have been regarded as miscellaneous but not now, especially as it has been established that a standard miscellaneous wording is not suitable for those types of risks.
Anyone who offers advice in return for a fee is a professional and needs PI and so anybody from an agronomist to a zoologist will fit into this category.